This personal project objective was to create an infographic reflecting the seven arcs of the popular anime from the 80's, the dragonball franchise, still popular to this day, selling millions worldwide. the target demographic for this infographic is for anyone and everyone since it recaps each arc quite quickly in the anime and manga goes through from kame house to the red ribbon army to fighting piccolo and piccolo jr.
the thought process behind creating this infographic was to summarise of my favorite series and show it in a different and unique way. the way i envisioned it was relating it to the actual seven dragonballs, in which i decided to breakdown the story into core parts which coincidentally happened to have 7 story arcs. so each arc got its own section, however , 3 arcs got more space since more significant plot twists happened which was the first world tournament, goku against the red ribbon army and king piccolo coming back. i felt using the landscape design of each arc to portray how the story goes and to show dragonball's worldbuilding and uniqueness to the person seeing the infographic. AN few additional details for fans of the series were incorpating a dragonball flying with the direction of the nimbus with goku on it.
from designing this inforgraphic, i have learnt impactful composition as well as 2d design in illustrator as well as, adding environmental 2d effects like snow and smoke. i also learnt how to use some tools more effectively such as the curvature tool and unite.